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Example code snippet that creates the bar graph below.
//draw the legends first, print them in rows of 3 columns each. grLibDrawGraphLegends(&appgr,3); //draw the gray line vertical grids originating from X axis. Also print //the scale values on the Y axis. '5' specifies how many grids to draw grLibDrawGraphGrids(&appgr,YGRID,XTEXT,5); //draw the gray line horizontal grids originating from Y axis. Also print //the scale values on the X axis. '5' specifies how many grids to draw //You can specify variables to print grids and text in variety of //combinations (No grid, X text or no grids,no text, only X grid and so on) //see the grid_t typedefs grLibDrawGraphGrids(&appgr,NO_GRID,YTEXT,5); //this will draw the graph for all the data points. You can choose to print //only some if you wish to - using the for loop. The numDataPts is an //internal value calculated when the data was loaded to the graph for(idx = 0;idx < appgr.numDataPts ;idx++) grLibDrawGraph(&appgr,idx); grLibDrawGraphTitle(&appgr,"ISP Turnover"); Of course, using some of the code above in different ways - you choose some of the below formats as well
Creating other graphs is equally simple. |
(c) homecreations, 2001-2002. All sample downloads and final products are sold on the condition that at no circumstance shall homecreations be held responsible for any kind of damage or harm caused by the software. There are no implied warranties and you are wholly responsible for all eventualities. God, what legal crap do we have to print to save ourselves. |