K: Support, Upgrades, Bug Fixes and feedbackSupport
I will provide general update and bug fix information on the website. But please, please do not e-mail me for general installation and trouble shooting issues. You are expected to have a basic idea of compilation and linking in your environment, I regret I will not be able to respond to such mails.
registered buyers will get all upgrades FREE.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes, patches etc. information will be available at my website http://homecreations.tripod.com or http://go.to/homecreations. Currently my method is to mail the registered users with instructions how to download the upgrade. New users can purchase the product from Handango. Visit my website for links. Make sure you visit the site time to time to see any new information!
Improvement suggestions
I appreciate suggestions for improvement, and ideas for optimization. You can mail them to me at homepalm@hotmail.com