Table of Contents
General stuff
- DrawRectangle [internal UTILITY]
- GetNewStr [UTILITY]:returns a Char * after allocating memory
- GetRandomNumberForScreen [UTILITY]:returns a number between 0 and n
- RGB [OPTIONAL]:Returns the color index for given r,g,b values
- drawThermoGraph [OPTIONAL]:Draws a "thermometer" type graph with color shade
- grLibDrawCircle [INTERNAL]:Draws a circle with the given radius, center points
- grLibDrawGraph [MANDATORY]:This function draws the graph.
- grLibDrawGraphFrame [OPTIONAL] Draws a frame on the screen based on coordinates in graph struct.
- grLibDrawGraphGrids [OPTIONAL]:This function draws the grids for the graph and associated text.
- grLibDrawGraphLegends [OPTIONAL]:This function draws the legends below the graph.
- grLibDrawGraphTitle [OPTIONAL]:Prints a graph title.
- grLibDrawNumber [UTILITY]:Draws a 'Number' on a coordinate specified on the screen.
- grLibDrawPieGraph [INTERNAL]:Draws the actual pie slices
- grLibDrawRectangle [UTILITY] Draws a rectangle on the screen based on coordinates.
- grLibEraseGraphFrame [OPTIONAL] Erases the drawn Graph
- grLibGetUserValueFromPenPoint [OPTIONAL]:returns graph data for a point where the stylus taps the screen (if a data point exists there)
NOTE: the return value must be typecast to the proper user data as was initially input by the user.
- grLibInitializeGraphStruct [MANDATORY]:default initialization.
- grLibInputGraphData [MANDATORY]:fills data values to the graph data structure and ensures faulty data is not input.
- grLibLineFill [INTERNAL ]: Enhances a line graph by filling the region below the lines.
- grLibReleaseResources [MANDATORY]:Releases memory resources used by graph data structure
NOTE: This must be called to "clean up the mess" once done with graph and the user presses a button/menu etc.
- grLibSetGraphParams [MANDATORY if not using default initialization values] sets desired graph data structure initialization values.
- grLibSetMaxMinScales [MANDATORY if not using default initialization] sets the minimum and maximum X and Y scales.
- grLibSetPieGraphParams [MANDATORY if using Pie Graphs]: Set the basic parameters for Pie graphs.
- grLibSetUserValue [OPTIONAL]:Sets the user defined information for a data point
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