void grLibDrawGraphGrids

(Graph_t* br, grid_t gridOrient,
  grid_t gridTextOrient,
  UInt8 numberOfGrids)

[OPTIONAL]:This function draws the grids for the graph and associated text.


[OPTIONAL]:This function draws the grids for the graph and associated text.

Uses the coordinate and scale information from the graph structure and prints the horizontal and vertical grids (and the respective scaled values for the grid). The arguments to the function decide what information is printed. See the programmer's manual for a diagrammatic description.

Note that with the variable options it is possible to print each graph in a variety of combinations -see the header file for enumerated types

br - the pointer to the graph data
gridOrient - , specifies which grid is printed (vertical, horizontal,none etc.)
gridTextOrient - ,specifies which scaled textual information is printed (x axis, y axis, none etc.)
numberOfGrids - specifies how many grids will be printed. considering the limited width of a Handheld, it is recommended to keep legends about 3-5 characters, and a maximum of 3 columns per row.

Alphabetic index

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