void grLibDrawGraph

(Graph_t* br, UInt8 group)

[MANDATORY]:This function draws the graph.


[MANDATORY]:This function draws the graph. After the graph data structure is filled with data and other necessary information, this function must be called to create and draw the actual graph.
NOTE: This function only draws the graph alone (Bar,Stack or Line) but does not draw the grids, legends or grid text. Use the respective API's to enhance the graph.

For BAR and LINE graphs the Y axis is typically a value that falls between the X and Y axis max and min data values. But for STACKED BAR graphs the Y value is a "height" value, so that the sum of individual heights in a stacked bar will exceed the max scale. Keep this in mind when filling data for STACKED bars.

CAUTION: For STACK BAR graphs, it is important to Input Data in a sequence i.e. for a fixed X axis, all data points must be input - and then for the next X axis point and so on. Random inputs will not work! Also if stacks go beyond the boundary limits, they will be silently discarded. input must ensure sanity of data.

CAUTION: For LINE_FILL graphs, remember that the entire region below a line is "filled" with some color, so LINE_FILL graphs are typically drawn for just one category i.e. one group only. It does not usually make sense to show multiple groups in LINE_FILL as they will only overwrite each other!

br - The pointer to the graph data
group - The graph is printed for a specific group of data. To print data with multiple groups this function must be called once for each group. This provides the flexibility of printing specific groups and also allows "power point" type presentations.
void This function does not report errors.

Alphabetic index

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